Q1.  May I walk with Fermanagh Ramblers & Hillwalkers next Sunday even if I’m not a member?   

You can if you are fit enough and properly kitted out.  You can do this twice in any membership year after which you must join the club to continue walking with us.   It is important you contact the Walk Leader a few days prior to the walk to better understand the walk proposed and decide if it is suitable for you.

Q2.  How long do the walks last?

Grade 1 – Walks that are generally flat and on track e.g. forest or lake shore.  2-3 hours duration. 

Grade 2 – Walks that are generally moderate hill walks, nature reserves and open country, less than 400 meters in altitude.   3-4 hours duration.

Grade 3 – Walks that are generally fairly difficult mountain walks 400m+ in altitude.  5-6 hours 

These are very approximate times.  Transfer time to and from the walks is extra. Sometimes we will stop for refreshments afterwards.

Q3. How far do we walk?

Walks are approximately 10 km long; however the challenge is not the distance but rather the terrain, height gain and weather conditions.

Q4. How hard are the walks?

Grade 1 walks are generally flat and relatively easy.  Grade 2 and Grade 3 walks are over rough terrain, hills and mountains and are more challenging.  

Q5.  Will I be fit enough?

If you have never climbed a mountain before but are generally active you are probably best to start with a Grade 1. If you have climbed a mountain in the recent past, you may be fit enough for a Grade 2 or even 3, however please speak to the leader before making your decision. Beginners are encouraged to join and will be given plenty of support.

Q6.  What do I need to bring?

You must have: walking boots – raincoat and waterproof leggings – adequate clothing (layers are the best option) – hat – gloves – packed lunch – a warm drink and at least 1 litre of water.  (The Walk Leader can refuse to allow you on the walk if you don’t have the basics). Refer to the Club Guidelines for more information. 

Q7. Who leads the walks?

The walks are led by competent volunteer Club members who have completed various types of navigation, mountain skills and first aid training. 

Q8.  When are the walks on?

There is a walk most Sundays all year round.   We do not walk on Saturdays or weekdays.

Q9.  Where do you walk?

We mostly walk in Fermanagh, Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo and Tyrone.

Q10.  Are there trips away?

Yes, away trips are arranged each year.  These are mainly to other parts of Ireland plus England, Scotland and Wales.   You must be a paid up member, be physically fit and a regular walker to partake in the away trips.

Q11. Where do the walks start from?

The meeting point for all walks is the carpark adjacent to Translink in Enniskillen and in front of the British Legion Hall. We then travel together by car sharing to the various walk locations.

Q12.  Can I join at the start point of the walk or must I meet the group in Enniskillen?

You can rendezvous with the group at a location previously agreed between you and the Walk Leader.

Q13.   Could anyone give me a lift?

The club does not arrange transport but we actively encourage car sharing.  This is organised at the appointed start time when we meet up.

Q14.  Can I bring my children?

Membership is limited to those of 18 years of age or older.

Q15.  Can I bring my dog?

No.  Dogs can be a nuisance in walking groups and are not welcomed by farmers and landowners.  

Q16. What do I do with my litter?

Take all litter home, including biodegradable waste.  Members should adhere to the ‘Leave No Trace’ policy.

Q17. What about Insurance?

The club has insurance in line with the recommendations of the Ulster Federation of Rambling Clubs. For more information visit the Federations’ website www.ufrc-online.co.uk 

Q18. Can I learn to map read?

Yes members are encouraged to learn or improve their navigations skills.  In addition we regularly organise Club training days.  There are also opportunities to complete a recognised Walk Leaders qualification. 

Q19.  Will I be welcome?

Yes.  The aim of the club is to promote hill walking as a healthy pursuit that can be enjoyed by everyone. People join for various reasons e.g. love of the outdoors, to get exercise or to meet people.

Q20.  Can I become a member – how do I join?

Yes, membership runs from 1st April to 31st March.  You must complete an application form (click on Membership Form) and send it to the Treasurer along with your cheque.  Alternatively you can pay at the AGM which is held in March each year.  (Cost indicated on membership form)